Thursday, 30 September 2010

The third world war

The third world war

By Leonardo Belvedere

   From the epistle to King Henry the second:
Towards Persia very nearly a million men, The true serpent will invade Byzantium and Egypt."
"Nevertheless, I wanted to leave a record in writing of the years, towns, cities and regions in which most of the events will come to pass, even those of the year 1585 and of the year 1606, reckoning from the present time, which is March 14, 1557" What does the dates mean?
There had not been any important events in those years.

What is, therefore, the figures' secret?

From the same epistle:

"For beginning with this year the Christian Church will be persecuted more strongly than it ever was in Africa, and this will last up to the year 1792,"
Here there is a fullfilled prophecy. From 1789 (French Revolution) to the 1792 the Church was persecuted and fought in Europe. It is Possible that the year which
Nostradamus started counting was 1585. With these two dates the seer wanted to point out two extremely important events in our age and the French Revolution is one of these.

We can try to reverse the figures: 1585-5851, 1606-6061: then we do a subtraction 6061-5851=210(years). If 1585 coincides with 1789, we can adding 210 and the result will be 1999, that's it, another important date for the Nostradamus' scholars.
Probably the seer wanted to point out some epochal change
and the 1999 could be the right time.
In the Mariani' s messages to
Don Gobbi (you can read them in this site) you find out that 1998 is the year in which it will be accented the fought between the good and the evil and maybe the 1999 is the year when everything it will have full demonstration.
From the C10,Q72, first verse:
"The year one thousand nine hundreds ninety-nine and seven months"
Nostradamus is telling us also the month. It could be July and this would coincide with the pictorial's table n.70 in which you can see a Cancer' sign (July) when it would happen an astronomic phenomenon of "Warning "and this coincide with the C6, Q24:
"Mars and the scepter will be found conjoined Under Cancer calamitous war."
A conjunction between Jupiter and Mars however it will happen in 2002.
The seventh month can also point out the seventh astrological therefore September or October.

Now it's better to give more information: it is possible to apply the Ramotti' s key to order chronologically the whole matter, so you can read:

"The stars are testimony, three years and the seventh month they will do the war, the third time of Mars the warlike games"

The seer wrote about the duration of the war, exactly in 3 years and 7 months. In the 1900 sum-up you can read:
"For the holy fates will pursue prickly the Arabs with Diana, in Persia, Bisanzio, Egypt and toward north in the adverse October"

So he had done a reference to the October's month. In the tenth of the '99 there could be a war in the middle east that after to be expanded toward the west countries would cause the beginning of the third world war.
Who will be our enemies?
In many prophecies of Saints and mystics you can find some reference to 'the people of the North. 'the most probable candidate suitable is Russia, of course, ...But what Nostradamus had told about it?
We have already seen that the Arabs will be protagonists of the next conflict. Nevertheless They can't hope to win alone.
In the C5, Q73:

"The Church of God will be persecuted,
And the holy Temples will be plundered,
The child will put his mother out in her shift,
Arabs will be allied with the Poles.

Arabs and Polish or Slavic or better Russian, the only Slavic with the power suited to instigate a war.

C1, Q16:

"A scythe joined with a pond in Sagittarius at its highest ascendant.
Plague, famine, death from military hands; the century approaches its renewal.
The first verse is telling us about the month of December, the scythe coming from the East is the communism or an analogous regime, the rest of the verses is enough clear and especially the last it is very important: the century is next to the renewal... 1999-2000!

Another example could be furnished by the premonition 94:
"Great downpour, noise of conspired death Renewed century, three leaders in great discord
For Get-fire worsened harmony
The rain rages, on decision wicked an agreement
We have spoken of dissension, discords and war and, on top of it, in the second Verse you can read,' Renewed century,' therefore the same years quoted previously ' 99-02 !'
But we find out what Nostradamus said in the epistle to the King:
Then the great Empire of the Antichrist will begin where once was Attila's empire and the new Xerses will descend with great and countless numbers,"

The Attila' s empire was situated in the actual Siberia (still
Russia) and the indication of Attila coincides exactly with that of the
nun of Dresda in which she spoke about a new Attila.
Nostradamus, moreover, points out also Xerses that cannot be Attila, but it would describe the Arabic advance in Europe as Xerses did toward Greece conquering Athens.

Who will be the new Attila?
Difficult to say... but it is interesting to underline as one of the most feared men in Russia is the Siberian's governor:
General Lebed.

Who will be the new Xerses?
Now we can read some Nostradamus' quatrains. In the
C5,Q25, the last two verses:


In the C5,Q27, the first two verses:

"Through fire and arms not far from the Black Sea, He will come from Persia to occupy Trebizond: "

The ancient Persia coincides with Iran, today nevertheless in Iran it seems to be us a more open government. Another possibility it is Iraq of Saddam Hussein; in fact we need to remember the times of Xerses the Persian empire also included Babylon.
Saddam Hussein is also described by Nostradamus in
the C9, Q73:

"The Blue Turban King entered into Foix,
And he will reign less than an evolution of Saturn

Saddam is the only middle oriental leader to be retracted with a light blue turban; His kingdom will last less than 29 years; and he has been already to the power since 79.
Probably there will be an alliance among the Arabs, in fact
in the C2, Q30, we can read about a new infernal Annibal,
the Libic leader ...Gheddafi?

In the C10, Q63, the Arabian and Hungarian will take the same destiny; will the Europeans upheavals? It will happen in the Middle-east?

Nostradamus seems telling us. This is the destiny of your days!

This is our destiny... this is what we have wanted... That is what we have built!
Maybe We are still in time to correct ourselves, to change this, we need a different conscience and a radical change in our behavior.

If there will be a new world war, it will be fought with the modern weapons of destruction and this involve a great risk for the man and the planet itself... however Nostradamus clearly told us that everything would happen it won't determine our end, there will be wars up to the first Fiftieth year of next century, then the doors will be open to a new era under the guide of the Sun!
But this is another story for another episode.

Leonardo Belvedere

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