Thursday, 30 September 2010

L. Ballaam's thought

L. Ballaam's thought

Looking objectively at the work of Nostradamus.

Being a bit of a sceptic, it is quite easy to debunk the work as a hoax, but if one assumed that

Nostradamus' being fundamentally sincere, i.e., really believing he had foreseen future events and was writing of them as he saw them albeit in veiled terms.

But also that the man used every word play in the book including playing jokes on the reader.

now it would then be a matter of what he actually wrote and what he was trying to say.

Looking through the work there are Quatrains Presages two letters (Preface and Epistle) and maybe the Sixains.

The majority of the quatrains deal with disasters of various kinds.

The disasters include earthquakes, battles, wars, invasions, murders, plagues, floods, droughts and many other themes signs and wonders etc.

Some quatrains cover these in over all terms; others concern a single person as a profile or thumbnail or small group of persons.

Some cover a single town, others several towns in several countries. Though absolutely nothing in the USA well not entirely, being French and hence Euro centric.

The letters I believe form the core of the work, the first Preface giving an account of the Planet and it's end.

The second (The Epistle) being cunningly divided into 2 letters one being a letter to the king and other part a rather circuitous history of mankind and the players therein.

So the Story so far, for the sceptic the first Quatrain would have to be the most ubiquitous:

Perves his coming from the skies in the said year his destiny and his luck in matters military.

CXQ72 The year 1999, seventh month, From the sky will come a great debt payer King To bring back to life the great King of the Anglomois/ Mongols 1,

Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.

1 King of the Mongols = Ghengiz Khan

LXXII. L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois, Du ciel viendra un grand Roi d'effraieur 1: Ressusciter le grand Roi d'Angolmois 2, Avant aprés Mars regner par bon-heur.

1 effraieur = OF: effrayeur debt payer/ terror forming an ambiguity on the word

2 Anglomois = house of Valois or an anagram Mongolois Mongols and yet another ambiguity, all in the one rhyme, though Mars can mean March as well.

Most folk see this an event for the Apocalypse, but if one looks at the rhyme it is one of those profile rhymes and concerns a persons life, that came to power from the skies in 1999, see also how and when April fool originated.

Now again this rhyme although only 28 words long it has a lot loaded into it, the first line has a date but not really a month, one assumes July, but assumption is not necessarily a good idea,

Also being one of two Quatrains with a numbered month, see Date of Preface

1st March 1555.

the second line the coming of a King (leader or of Royal blood) and how.

The third line is about reviving another king or another destiny, coincidentally this king has Mongol blood but also is an adversary of a French king.

The forth line again an overview of his life, always lucky in battle.

Here though is a passage from the Epistle about a debt paying man born during the WW2

30. And hereupon it is that there is born of a branch long sterile [Kahn despite 16 million descendants] one who will deliver the people of the world from this benevolent slavery to which they had voluntary submitted. [Third World Debt] He will put himself under the protection of Mars, [War] stripping Jupiter [the West] of all his honours and dignities, and establish himself in the free city in another scant Mesopotamia [Kashmir].

OK a few others all Profiles;

Saddam his rise to power his MO and his end:

C8Q70. He will enter, wicked, unpleasant, infamous, tyrannizing over Mesopotamia 9. All friends made by the adulterous lady, the *Head /land dreadful and black of aspect.

9 Mesopotamia = Iraq or Avignon Lyon

LXX. Il entrera vilain, mechant, infame Tyrannisant la Mesopotamie 7, Tous amis fait d'adulterine d'ame, Tertre horrible, noir de phisonomie.

7 Mesopotamie = between two rivers (Iraq)

Line one two and three Saddam returns from exile, takes power and his Modus operandi note play on the Whore of Babylon with the Lady, the Republic of France, giving Saddam’s cosy deals with, being at the time of his end France was the Iraq’s biggest customer, line four the word tertre being head/face and not land as most commentators call it, but really about his grim looks at his capture.

Usama his rise to Prominence and his invasion and Waterloo in Southern Spain and attack on Genoa

C5Q55. In the country of Arabia Felix 1, (or Fortunate Arabia) There will be born one powerful in the law of Mahomet: To vex Spain, to conquer Grenada, And more by sea against the Ligurian 2 people.

1 Arabia Felix = part of Arabia now divided between Yemen and the Aden Protectorate.

2 Ligurian = the Genoese

LV. De la Felice Arabie contrade 1, N'aitra puissant de loi Mahometique: Vexer l'Espagne, conquester 2 la Grenade, Et plus par mer à la gent Lygustique 3.

1 contrade = Provencal contrada, country.

2 conquester OF: conquester, to conquer, win.

3 Ligustique = Latin Ligusticus, Ligurian.

34. And a new incursion will be made by the maritime shores, wishing to deliver the Sierra Moreña from the first Mahometan recapture. Their assaults will not all be in vain, and the place which was once the abode of Abraham will be assaulted by persons who hold the Jovialists (The West) in veneration. And this city of "Achem" [Mecca] will be surrounded and assailed on all sides by a most powerful force of warriors. Their maritime forces will be weakened by the Westerners, and great desolation will fall upon this realm. Its greatest cities will be depopulated and those who enter will fall under the vengeance of the wrath of God.

35. The sepulchre, for long an object of such great veneration, will remain in the open, exposed to the sight of the heavens, the Sun and the Moon. The holy place will be converted into a stable for a herd large and small, and used for profane purposes. (The Vatican?) Oh, what a calamitous affliction will pregnant women bear at this time.

36. For hereupon the principal Eastern chief will be vanquished by the Northerners and Westerners, and most of his people, stirred up, will be put to death, overwhelmed or scattered. His children, offspring of many women, will be imprisoned. Then will be accomplished the prophecy of the Royal Prophet, Let him hear the groaning of the captives, that he might deliver the children of those doomed to die.

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