The Second Coming of the Lord
Confirmed by the Holy Scriptures, by the Saints and by
the messages from modern charismatics.
Edited by Cristina Di Filippo.
The Holy Scriptures : we are at the dawn of the new Age of the Holy Spirit and we don't have to be amazed of the sensational private revelations that are spread all over the world. And it is exactly for one of these revelations that we want to talk to you to examine it carefully in order to submit it to the attention of everybody, because it is of great importance.
Yes, it concerns the Second Coming of Christ on Earth. Let us meditate the Holy Scriptures with scrupulous attention and we will find the flourishing of announcements of this kind:
Open the doors to the King of Glory;
The Ruler of the earth is about to come;
He will appease struggles, He will restore justice on earth
and a lot, lot more of expressions that clarify and state this second "Return on earth".
As He promised, Jesus Christ will come back on earth to rule and judge all the nations of the Kingdom of God. His second coming will be fulfilled in power and glory, and will be visible to everyone. This event will initiate resurrection of the dead and reward of the righteous (John 14:3; Rev. 17:14; Acts 1:11; Rev. 1:7; Matt. 24:38; 1 Tess. 4:15/17).
Oh, our beloved Redeemer, hasn't He presented Himself in humbleness, in poverty and paid for our sins with an ignominious death, destined to the worst criminals ?
So, to whom many prophecies of the past refer to ?
It is clear that there has to be another coming. Which one ?
Maybe it concerns the one of the end of the world, on the day of Universal Judgement, when also the dead will rise again to have major joy or major pains according to one's own rewards or shortcomings ?
No, it cannot be and that is very simple to understand, because the Gospel of St. Matthew denies it clearly, because is written:
"Then there shall be two men in the field; one will be taken, and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one will be left (Matt. 24:40/41). So it has not to deal with the third final coming of the Lord, but with an intermediate, that will sign a very important moment for whole mankind which has to submit itself to Judgement that will certainly determine its future life in joy or in pains (see Garabandal: The Warning).
Yes, because who has sown in tears, will reap, and who generated evil with hate, grudge, revenge, will make serious amends for these, because God, this time, comes as Judge and not as a Victim of Love; so who does not want to accept Him as such, will have to sustain Him as Avenger now. Love offers, sacrifies and immolates itself, but who rejects Love can and has to join God with pain and repentance. This is exactly the moment we have come to, brethren. There is no time anymore, Jesus is coming. Let us convert and quickly because in a short time the hour will go off and time will be over.
Pray intensively the Holy Virgin who at Medjugorje operated marvellous things and for the unlimited generosity of few, obtained a lot from God.
The chastisement announced (by many charismatics), that three quarters of the earth will have been destructed inexorably, has been annulled but still remains firm chastisement announced for the followers of Satan. These will perish and will have to perish in a terrible way, unfortunately for them. Many have been the crimes they have casted in the world, causing great pains for the dearest children of Jesus and it is not time to say mercy, because mercy will not be anymore.
It is not up to us to judge, it is up to us to pray and to put everything in the hands of the Immaculate Mother Mary, because She only can obtain, in case, salvation for them. Therefore, let us pray that the Holy Will of God shall fully come to pass, without denying Him anything, because He is the Ruler of the Universe, by Him everything has been created and His Law has been given to us to be observed..
Behaviour of the Church regarding the Second Coming: let us not be upset if the Church does not teach and promote this Truth. Important is that it has been announced in the Holy Scriptures to which we will have to adhere to. (See Rev. 1:7; Matt. 24:30/31 and 37/41; Luke 17:34/35 and 21:27/28). Not all that is written in the Holy Scriptures has been brought out and taught as principle of faith of the Church.
We had to come to the year of 1858 with Pope Pius IX to obtain acknowledgement and announcement of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and to the year of 1950 to obtain announcement of the dogma of the Assumption of Mary in Heaven in body and soul, with Pope Pius XII. These Truths were shaded in the Holy Scriptures and were brought out. Evidently the Church studies at length the Holy Scriptures and through Pontiffs particularly enlightened by the Holy Spirit comes to announce these principles of faith all Christians have to believe in, under pain of sin of heresy and of course be excluded from the Catholic Church. Well, then you have to recognize that on the contrary certain truths (as The Second Coming), announced in the Holy Scriptures has been, let us say, put aside, not for the lack of influential minds that might sound and put these perfectly to the attention of all believers, but let us say so, for the form of elementary care not to frighten many; because the world is made of many persons and there are the strong ones, but also the weak who have to be "protected".
And this is the principle the Church is keeping, like a provident Mother, who does not want to retreat the Announcement of the Truth, but she restricts herself to what is fundamental for the salvation of man and that facilitates more the path of man in achieving Christian virtues.
That's why they don't talk about the forthcoming Second Coming, well known to many theologians, that appears rather shocking for the chastisements it brings, also if there might be marvellous things that shall accompany this Coming and triumph of the righteous. Now the time has come, however, and we need to talk, because times are expiring and it is good that people "grows", matures quickly and accepts and agrees if it will not find itself unprepared and lost. And if it is true that the Church is like a Mother who wants to protect her children from anxiety one can avoid, by now, as a Mother, she has to recognize that danger has to be shown and right instructions has to be given.
Here we have all elements: the scriptural proofs, the writings of the saints and agreement of the numerous messages of modern charismatics, and this courageous stand, we hope, the Holy Mother Church will take as soon as possible. Luke 21:27 "And then they will see The Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory ..... Matt. 24:30 "And they will see The Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky ......
The witnesses of the Saints: From the book "Crucifies with the Crucified" by G: Roschini we have Teresa Musco, stigmatized, died in concept of great holiness in 1976, in the message of 28th May 1951 of The Holy Virgin Mary, prophecied: "All will see My Son coming on the clouds and then He will judge all those who have trampled His Innocent and Divine Blood.
Sister Elena Aiello: 16.4.1895/19.6.1961, has been the founder of the Minim Tertiary of Passion, she is also a stigmatized and lived a holy life, received many messages. Here is what she prophecied in 1961: " .....And then on a cloud Jesus Christ Himself will come and will be seen by everyone. (from "The Holy Nun" by P. Spadafora).
The enlightened Saint Grignon of Monfort in his "treatise of the real devotion to Mary", says that: "Through the Holy Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ came into the world: it is also through her that He will reign the world, so it is certain, that knowledge and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ have to be realized in the world and it will consequently be necessary that knowledge and reign of the Holy Virgin, who gave birth the first time, will shine the second time as well." Saint Thomas of Aquino confirms that "Final Judgement will be on the Third Coming of Jesus; therefore supposes a second coming.
Saint Bernard in the "Sermo III in Adventium Domini" expresses himself in this way: "We will experience a third Coming of the Lord". Pope Paul VI of blessed memory (for whom recently has been proposed the process of Beatification) said during the Angelus of 5th December 1976: " .....We exhort you as well, dear children, to seek for those "signs of times", which seem to precede a new Coming of Christ among us". Maria Valtorta, who died in 1961 in concept of holiness in "The Copybooks of 1943", writes at page 506: "Famine and death will be one of the harbingers of My Second Coming ........
page 510-511 "But you who obied in Me, listen to the promise of Christ. Wait for me with faithfullness and love and I will come unto you with all my gifts. With the gift of Gifts: Myself. I will come to redeem and to heal.
I will come to enlighten, defeat and dispel darkness. I will come to teach men to love and adore The Eternal God, The Most High, The Holy Christ, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. I will come and bring you not the peace of this world - neverending destroyer of peace - but the Peace of the Kingdom that will never die. Rejoice, oh my faithful servants. This says you the mouth that does not lie. You will not have to fear evil anymore, because I will put an end to the time of evil and will anticipate this end for the mercy of My blessed ones. Rejoice, above all, oh you, my beloved ones of this hour. More pressing will be for you the Coming of Christ and His glorious Embrace. For you the gates of the City of God will already be open and your Saviour will come out to meet you and give you Real Life. Only a short time and I shall come for you.
As for Lazarus, my friend, I will call you one by one: "Come out". Out of this earthly life which is the tomb of the Spirit, imprisoned by the flesh. Come out. To the life and freedom of Heaven. Call upon Me with your faithful love. It might be the flame that melts the chains of the flesh and gives the spirit freedom to come unto Me very soon. Let hear the most beautiful cry written by man: "Come oh Lord Jesus".
Nun Faustina Kowalska, who died in concept of holiness and beatified by John Paul II, in the book "The apparitions of Jesus Merciful to nun Faustina" refers: "It is up to Me to prepare the world for My Second Coming. This is a sign of the end-times. After these the day of justice will rise. Out of Poland the sparkle that prepares the world to My Second Coming will come (Message of 1973). The messages of modern charismatics. Many are the messages we received from charismatics spread all over the world that concern the forthcoming Second Coming of Christ on earth. Certainly not all are known as they have to be, for the prohibition of spiritual guides, for the fear of contrasting the Ecclesiastic Hierarchy and also the cultural religious lack of preparation of certain instruments, though called by God to serve in this all particular way.
But there are some, particularly clear and specific we would like to mention.
These are things you cannot take with less consideration, but you need the maximum of respect, attention and boldness of the strong to agree because: IT IS GOD WHO COMES ! So let us encourage ourselves though with blessed hope and examine these texts which will make us fervently grow in love and prepare us in holiness and give consolation to the afflicted hearts and the injustly persecuted.
Behave yourselves wisely, brethren, and do not waver because if Jesus comes, He comes to bring order, justice, peace in a world in which there is not anymore order, justice and peace. Guilts will be cleansed and tremendous chastisements are already upon the heads of the followers of Satan, while wonderful gifts will be bestowed to those who did support in peace their cross, forgiving their own persecutors and bringing good on earth. The fulness of God's grace which is in Mary the Holy Virgin, will be of considerable help in those solumn moments when it seems that Heaven and Earth tremble and many prayers pronounced by the good ones will relieve pain and fear that will run over all, that means really all because nobody is perfect and the Justice of God is unequivocal.
Guilts will be cleansed, praiseworthy deeds will be rewarded. It is Jesus who says you, dear brethren: "Wake up, Your Saviour is coming. He likes to come and free those He has redeemed with His Blood and who have been faithful to His Holy Alliance, to the Great Covenant on Golgotha". Nothing else to be said, only: "Convert yourselves and quickly because there is no time anymore. Make amends without waisting one minute, because the hour is grievous and the Holy Hour of God is to begin".
Have faith in the Holy Virgin and say thanks for this writing that reaches you as a gift from God. You will improve your situation if you believe and you will worsen it if you do not believe. The confirmations of the current charismatics: Our Lady appears all over the world and notwith- standing the indifference "wanted" by the press and by other means of communication, news of ap- paritions in all five continents leak out.
To tell the Truth the witnesses gathered aren't many, but sufficient to demonstrate an agreement between different people operating in most desperate places. Miriana, one of the seers of Medjugorje speaks of: ".......a misterious return of Christ".
(from Medjugorje 15th February, 1987, p. 38)
Mary, another seer of Medjugorje confirms: " ......All the apparitions we had of Our Lady are a preparation to the Coming of Jesus (from "The Echo of Medjugorje" of 12th February 1987). As to all the actual apparitions at Kibheo in Ruanda, Africa, Alphonsine the seer, did quote: "You will recognize the moment of My return when you will see break out religious-wars. When you will see this happen, know that I'm about to come. Nothing can stop these wars". Message of Saint Thomas of Aquino to G.C. (from Lazio) of 28th of August, 1987e will return!....
He can do everything! Let His voice pierces each ear! His Aspect will also be seen by the eyes of the blind!...Message of the same saint to G.C. of 3rd of September 1987: "He will come in His Glory and the astounded, admired, upsetted men will bound their knees before His presence! And He will come in His Glory. He shall come as a light and shall show His shining Aspect as God-Man". On the 24th of December 1978, Our Lady dictated these words to S.G. (from Lombardia): "Like the first so shall be His second Coming, dear children; like His birth in that night, will be the return of Jesus in Glory, before His final Coming for the Final Judgement, of which the hour though is still hidden in the secrets of the Father.
The world shall find itself wrapped by the darkness of the denial of God, by its stubborn rejection, by the rebellion against His Law of Love.
The ice of hatred shall make the streets of the world even more deserted. So hardly anybody will be ready to receive Him. Not even the great ones shall remember Him, the rich shall close Him their doors, while His ones shall be very busy in searching and asserting themselves. When The Son of Man shall come, He will still find faith on earth ?
He shall come unexpectedly and the world will not be ready at His Coming. He will come for Judgement and man will find himself unprepared.
He shall come to restore His Kingdom in the world, after having defeated and destroyed His enemies.
Also in this Second Coming The Son shall come to you by way of His Mother.
Like the Word of His Father did serve Himself by My Virginality to reach you, Jesus will serve My Immaculate Heart to come and reign among you. This is the hour of My Immaculate Heart because it is preparing the Coming of the Glorious Kingdom of Love of Jesus. My dearest children, like Myself do prepare yourselves to receive Him! This Holy Night is for you a sign and a grace. I gather you besides His humble craddle to fill up the big void mankind caused Him; I hold you in My Immaculate Heart to prepare you to receive Jesus who is coming to reach you in the splendour of His Glorious Kingdom.
Message of 5th of May 1972 to F.. from Lombardia on the consequence of objections raised up by a theologian: "Why not believe in My Coming as the end of the world?
I cannot come triumphant on heavenly clouds upon the earth that still hates me. That is why I have to come earlier to prepare my dearest into a world of Love. I shall come with the Paraclete....." Message of 1st December 1977 of our Lord Jesus to the priest Mons. Ottavio Michelino who died in 1979: " ...I am Jesus, I'll take up the talking left open and on the contrary not closed at all as to My Church; I've put her in the world, in the midst of the world because Her mission is addressed to all people and nations of the earth, she has been established by the Godly Will, master and guide of all men; this is the place she belongs to, this is the place which shall be recognized her after purification. Her duty is undescribable in this intermediate time between the first Coming of Christ on earth with its mistery of Incarnation and the Second Coming, at the end of times, to judge the living and the dead; from these two comings the first one shall reveal the Mercy of God, the second one, the Justice of Christ, real God and real Man, like a priest, King and Universal Judge.
The intermediate coming shall be the Kingdom of Jesus in the souls, Kingdom of Peace, Kingdom of Justice, that shall have its full and bright splendour after purification". (from "Confidences of Jesus to a Priest, vol. "The measure is overflowing...", pages 12-13). Message of 5th March, 1986 of D (from Umbria): "...My Coming is near ...:"
Message of 28th of January 1986 received by the same person: "...very soon I shall come down on earth for the second time ".
The seer Rosario of Bel Passo (Catania) referred what Our Lady said to him on 1st of February 1988: "...:God, in His Infinite Mercy, wanted to entrust me with this task: announce to the world His imminent Coming". M.R. (of Puglie) referred: " We have to prepare ourselves because the Second Coming of the Lord is very near though, times are almost to mature". The seer A (of Lazio) repeats what the Lord revealed her: "Pray fervently and humbly because God shall come soon".
Message received from M.R. (of Lazio) on the 4th of August 1984: ".....Be ready and prepare yourselves for My Coming that shall be powerful and wonderful for My elected ones...Courage, because the hour is near though ...." That's My Mother to preceed Me ....She is the Star that announces the morning, She is among you on earth and prepares you. ...Do follow the Star like the Three Kings did, arriving from different places and from a far to adore the One and Only King. This is the moment for Mary The Virgin to come and prepare the hearts, to gather you, to encourage you, to give refreshment, to feed you with My Word and announce you My return....I'm near...I look at you and I am about to come with undescribable power and for those who are waiting for me, it shall be such a joy, greater than man can ever sustain: to see My Glory. But I shall back you up unless you shall not die, because this joy shall be so great that it shall be unsustainable for the heart of man..... You will see me on the heavenly clouds with great splendour, but for those who don't expect me, for those who don't love me, for those who don't convert themselves, it shall be unsupportable: they will die !"
Message received by the same person on the 25th of October 1984: "....I Your God shall not permit that the design of the Evil One, that is to substitute the generation of the children of God by a generation of children of evil, will be realized. I have created you, redeemed you, saved you and will save you! But how shall I save you, oh children, if you don't feel the Love of Your God anymore ?
I shall return! Shall I still find Love in the hearts of my faithful, the afflicted and suffering ones, the righteous, the minors, the hidden ones and of those who offered themselves like hosts of peace and love for their brethren all over the world ?
" Message o A.S. (from Lazio) of 24th October 1984: "..Behold, behold there comes Our Saviour Jesus. Behold, He is breaking through the clouds and appears. Behold for He comes again. He is coming. He comes to judge the earth !
The Lord speaks: " I have counted the days and I shall count them again, but only for a short while. Not everyone does understand the seriousness of these times we are living. And this message is above all for them. Give it to everybody. Throw it around by handfuls and allow the little ones and the afflicted your consolation."
Message received by the same person on the 27th of July, 1985: 2 Don't worry my faithful, simple, good and humble ones, dearest to the Heart of Jesus, who have searched in life to sow only love, to bring peace, oh simple and humble hearts, lovers of the Truth, behold because He is coming, He is coming to save you....He is Love, He is Life, He is the Truth, He is the lofty Joy, behold, behold for the Bridegroom is coming, He comes to reward His faithful.....".
Madeleine the seer at Dozulé, in France on the 21st apparition confirmed: Jesus says to all His disciples: "Make this message know, the big Tribulation is near. The return of the Son of Man has been announced!.
Conclusion: "The Second Coming of Christ, the "Parousia", unfortunately though, shall be preceeded by big destructive events, big events and signs on Earth and in Heaven. We are not going towards the end of the world meant to be the definite end of the whole world, but we are to abandon an ancient age, an ancient way to be.
With the Second Coming of Christ, we go towards the birth of a new world, but above all of a new man. The message the Gospels contain regarding The Second Coming of Christ, is positive, notwithstanding its painful labour from the Old World to the New Age, that brings us to show in all its heights our real being, that Spiritual one, as when God created us". The Pope's words with particular reference to these times. Speeches of His Holiness Pope John Paul II, that seem to refer to a renewal of the world. Words pronounced during The Angelus:
" Dear young ones, I give you appointment for the next Universal Day of Youth in Rome, during the summer of the year 2000. I am sure that you will come in a big number to this extraordinary meeting. During the Great Jubilee of 2000 we shall live together an experience of spiritual communion that will certainly mark your lives. Who shall live, shall see. John Paul II (at Fulda in Germany in 1981), answers to the questions of a group of persons: " What is the third Secret of Fatima ?
This had to be published already in 1960. "Considering the seriousness of the contents of the secret of FATIMA and for not encouraging the worldly power of communism in making certain actions (interferences), my predecessors on Saint Peter's Chair did prefer diplomatically to put off its publication (they preferred a diplomatic relationship).
On the other hand it might be sufficient for all Christians to know that if there is a message which said that the oceans will flood whole parts of the world, and millions of men shall perish from one minute to another, it really is not time anymore to desire publication of this secret message."
How will things go on with the Church ?
" We have to prepare ourselves to suffer, within not distant times big trials will call for us to be ready to give our lives too in complete abandon of ourselves to Christ and for Christ. By means of your and my prayers it will be possible to soften this Tribulation, but it will not be possible to remove it anymore, because only in this way, the Church may be renewed. How often the renewal of the Church has been realized with bloodshed ?
This time too it will not be different! We have to keep strong, we have to be prepared, have faith in Christ and in His Holy Mother and be devoted in saying the Rosary."
Before the devastation that will shake here and there the various continents before the pursuing rhytm of the overthrow of things and values that undermine certainties and even life of nations, I make mine the hope of Saint Augustin, before the assault of the vandals on the city of Ippona, when a group of alerted Christians of his church was looking for him: "Don't be frightened, dear ones! - the holy bishop assured them - " this isn't the ancient world that will have an end, it is a new world that begins".
A new dawn seems to rise in the heaven of history, inviting Christians to be the light and salt of a world that is in big need of Christ, Redemptor of man". (Lisbon 10.5.1991 - Roman Observer 12.5.1991) From the "deep supernatural appeals" coming from Fatima in 1917 "many things shall change the european and wordly survey and numerous events will be realized in this century, especially during the final years." (Fatima 13.5.1991 - Avvenire 14.5.1991). At Fatima on the 13th of May 1982: " Before us stands the danger of apostasy from God, the struggle against God and against all that is sacred and godlike. Maybe we are near to the time predicted by Saint Paul, the time of the Antichrist, raising himself against God and against each kind of religion. It is time though in which also the Holy Spirit alerts the whole Church through Our Lady". "Mary particularly united to Christ in His First Coming, for Her continuous collaboration with Him, shall also be united awaiting the Second....She also has this typical part, like a Mother does, to be mediatress of mercifulness on His definite Coming....." (Redemptor Mater, 41).
In different occasions: "Emmanuel, God with us, the Eucharist is the sacramental witness of your First Coming; it is a constant forewarning of Your Second Coming and the sign of Your Definite Coming". "The Church which desires even to be Mother, talks to you, Oh Mother of Christ, Oh Immaculate Mother of the suffering and hope of men and nations. From the deep of the second Advent, which is in course after the First Coming of Christ, the Church cries out to you: "Good Mother of the Redemptor..... come and help the people that falls and even longs for resur- rection! Door of Heaven! Be to us the door of the Advent of God. The door of salvation! Amen". (Avvenire 9.12.1988).
A new dawn seems to rise in the heaven of history, from Cova of Iria it seems to spread around a comforting light, full of hope that illuminates the facts which characterize the end of this second Millenium (Pro Deo et Fratibus - 1/1993). The prophecy of Jesus written in Cap. 24 of St. Matthew is about to come true. This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be announced all over the world, because it shall be witnessed to all people." The Pope interrupted the phrase, but the Gospel concludes: "And then the end shall come". (28.8.1988).
In Canada, at Edmonton before thousand of people: "The God of peace be with us, here in Canada and everywhere. May justice and peace embrace one another again one more time at the end of the Second Millenium that prepares us to the Coming of Christ in Glory. Amen". Denver, universal day of Youth - 15th of August 1993: "Our pilgrimage ..... have to continue as "a new Advent", a moment of hope and waiting, until the return of the Lord in Glory:" "The world at the drawing near of a new Millenium for which the whole Church is preparing herself, is like a field ready to be reaped". "Maranatha ! Here from Cherry Creek State Park at Denver, in this reunion of young ones coming from all over the world, we shout: Maranatha! Do come Lord Jesus". (19.8.1993).
From the book of John Paul II "To cross the treshold of hope" : "And here comes the 13th of May 1981. When I was hit by the bullet from the assailant in Saint Peter's Place, I did not realize at the beginning the fact that that exact day was the anniversary of the day on which Mary appeared to the three children at Fatima, in Portugal, addressing them those words, that at the end of this century, seem to get near fulfilment". With the solemnity of the encyclicals: "On this background so characteristic for our time, we have to underline the "desires of the Spirit" in preparing the great jubilee, as a recall that sounds during the night of a new time of Advent, at the end of which - like 2000 years ago - each man will see the Salvation of God." (Dominum et vivificantem, 56)
"Also peace is fruit of love: interior peace that wearied man is searching for in the heart of his being; that peace needed by mankind, by human family, by people, by nations, by continents, with an anxious hope to obtain in the outlook of the passage from the Second to the Third Christian Millenium." (Dominum et vivificantem, 67)
".....most precious fruit .... from part of faithful laity is listen to the call of Christ to work in His vineyard, to take an active, conscious and responsable part to the mission of the Church in this magnificent and drammatic hour of history, with the imminence of the third Millenium." (Christifideles laici, 3)
Speech at Turin for the day of Ascension in 1997:
" ... now the task passes on to us pilgrims, still on our way on earth. After the Ascension of Jesus two angels ask the Apostles: Why are you looking at Heaven?
This Jesus who ascended in Heaven, one day shall return. The question has also been addressed to us. We are now in the time of active and alert waiting for the Glorious return of Christ; our spirit animated by active hope, rejoices and invokes: Come, Lord Jesus! And the answer given in the book of Revelations, fill up our hearts with joy like the hearts of each believer is filled up with joy: Yes, I shall come quickly". To the participants of the VIII International Meeting of Catholic Brotherhood (30th May until 2nd June 1998):
"At the nearing of the new Millenium, the Church hears the call, the urgent appeal of the Master for an even bigger commitment to the mission: "the wheat is mature, time of harvest has come (Marc 4:29).
General audience of Wednesday 19th August 1998: "This deep personal and communitary renewal awaited for in the "fullness of time" and realized by the Holy Spirit will involve, somehow, the whole universe... Creation, enlivened by the presence of the Creator's Spirit, has been called to become "the dwelling of peace" for the entire human family.".
On the 50th anniversary for the end of World War II: "What to do so that the nations of Europe and of the whole wide world live in peace at the end of the twentieth century and build a bridge of peace towards the centuries and the generations of the third Millenium ?
What to do to extinguish the hot-beds of war present, unfortunately, in the Balkans, Kaukasus, Ruanda and in other parts of the earth ?
Christ answers with the words of today's Gospel according to St. John: "The day before His Passion, He announced to the Apostles during The Last Supper the coming of the Holy Spirit: "When the Spirit of Truth shall come, he shall guide you to the whole entire Truth, because he will not talk about himself, but will say all that he'll have heard and shall announce you future things".
From the speech in St. Peter's Place for the celebration of the Immaculate, 8th of December, 1997: "Mankind who hastens itself to enter in the third Millenium finds i the Immaculate its pattern of waiting and hope. She teaches us to refuge from fatalism and passive resignation, as well as from any millenarianist temptation. She teaches us to look at the future knowing that God is coming towards us; we have been called to prepare ourselves for this meeting in prayer and in alert waiting". From the prayer of the Holy Father John Paul II for the second year of preparation for the Great Jubilee of 2000: "Come Creator's Spirit, mysterious author of the Kingdom, with the power of your Holy Gifts, guide your Church to cross with courage the treshold of the new Millenium to bring to all generations that will come, the light of the Word that saves. Spirit of Holiness, divine breath that moves the universe, come and renew the facet of the earth".
Notes on prophecies, apparitions and charismatic messages in relationship with the current events. Seers and charismatics, even if they are authentic and in good faith, they aren't infallible; therefore it's essential to examine their statements in the unfailing light of the Scriptures and teachings of the Church. In that way one can "take what is good" and reject what is contrasting the normal christian virtue of prudence.
Where a definite judgement of the Magister is lacking, questions remain open, but it is useful to take account of the tradition and of the opinion of mystics and Fathers of the Church, where it has been expressed so.
Also the christian people does have its own "sensus fidei" and "cannot be mistaken in its belief, and reveals this capacity through the supernatural sense of faith of the whole Christian people, when from the bishops down to the lowest lay-believers, it shows its universal agreement in questions of faith or morality".(Lumen Gentium, 12). Besides the current clamorous oppositions from the local bishop, do exist charismatic phenomenons and messages from Our Lady which are well accepted by bishops, priests and a great number of believers. It is interesting to note that in certain well-accepted situations, Our Lady normally gives the same admonishments and messages on the future, that she reveals where supernatural phenomenons are being rejected.
Very often the argument that certain apparitions have not been recognized by the Church is for someone an excuse to have not interest at all in such. In that case it is not useful to oppose valid demonstrations because good will lacks to receive new things the Holy Spirit wants to reveal: infact each authentic prophecy is His gift and a new light to comprehend better and actualise the one and only unchangeable Revelation. Others, although not hostile, do forget the wellknown evangelic warning of new wine and old leather wineskins.
On the other hand the messages, ordinarily speaking, one can understand if you live them deeply and taking that spiritual way they invite you in. If a person starts that way of conversion, prayer, rejecting evil even if slightly, opening to supernatural, he also begins to understand the mysterious design that Heaven is tracking through his numerous interventions in each part of the world. The central point is this: Jesus, Our Lady and sometimes the angels, do show themselves today with frequency and in extraordinary ways and repeat to all substantly the same identic concept (it could be neither different because their worries and their pressing invitation for salvation corrispond to one and only design).
Each supernatural message, besides being always an appeal to conversion, emphasizes at the same time the projects of God and have to be seen like a tessera of a big mosaic that is being outlined. The contropositions and the "parochialism of apparitions" are absurd. Like in each mosaic there are big and small tesseras, of different importance, beauties and colours, many do still lack and therefore it is not possible to understand exactly the final scene. But in great lines from now on it is possible to see in rough cast something of God's project. And as the tesseras grow - sometimes also a small one is important - our comprehension grows higher too: therefore The Father loves to reveal the secrets of His Kingdom to the little ones and gives His children the signs implicitly promised (cfr. Matt. 24:32/33).
It is true that Jesus shall come like a thief, but only for those who don't expect Him ! The apostle infact confirms: "You, brethren, don't live in darkness, because that day will surprise you like a thief, you are all children of the light .... (I Tess. 5:1/4). And it really is a big light that is reaching today's men through the extraordianry events from Heaven, most of all with the apparitions and messages of Our Lady, throughout the world. Message of Urbi et Orbi, Easter 1998 (12th April 1998).
1) "You know what happened to Jesus of Nazareth .....we are witnesses of all that He fulfilled in Region of Judah and in Jerusalemme" (cfr. Acts 10:37/39). These are the words that the Apostle Peter witness of the resurrection of Christ, directed to Cornelius, the Centurion and his family. Today the witnesses talk.
The eye witnesses present at the events of the Holy Friday talk, those who were frightened before the Sanhedrin, those who on the third day found the empty tomb. Witnesses of resurrection were first of all the women of Jerusalem and Mary of Magdala; first of all Peter and John, than all the others.
Witness was also Saulus of Tarso, converted at the gates of Damascus, later on they were the Apostles, informed by the women; to whom Christ allowed to live through the power of His resurrection, to become though the elected vessel of the missionary outburst of the primitive Church. 2) Yes, in this very day the witnesses begin to speak: not only the first ones, those eye-witnesses, but also those who learned from them the Easter-message and bore witness to the crucified and risen Christ, from generation in generation.
Some have been witnesses until the outpouring of blood and , with thanks to them, the Church continued to walk also among hard persecutions and obstinate rejections. On this unending witness the Church has been grown and now is spread throughout the earth. Today it is the celebration of all witnesses, also those of our century, who announced Christ in the midst of "great Tribulation" (Rev. 7:14), confessing His death and resurrection, in the concentration-camps and gulag, under threat of bombs and guns, in the middle of terror roused by blind hatred, that painfully had involved single persons and whole nations. Today they come out of the great Tribulation and sing the Glory of Christ: in Him, risen from darkness of death, life has been revealed.
3) Today, we also are witnesses of the risen Christ and we renew His announcement of peace to all mankind that walks towards the third Millenium. We witness His death and His resurrection, especially to men of our time, involved in brotherly fights and slaughters, that reopens the wounds of etnic rivalry, and, at this time in various regions of all Continents, especially in Africa and Europe, deposit on earth the seed of death and new conflicts for a sad tomorrow.
This announcement of peace is for how many go along calvary that seems without an end, frustrated in their yearnings to the respect of dignity and rights of man of justice, of work at the most reasonable conditions of existence. To this announcement the responsables of the nations and each man of good will inspire themselves, especially in the Middle-East and particularly at Jerusalem, where peace has been risked from dangerous political options.
It gives courage to whom believed and believes in the dialogue to risolve national and International tensions; infuse in the heart of all the fearlessness of hope that rises from the acknowledged and respected truth, so that they reveal in the world new and promising horizons of solidarity. Christ, died and risen for us, You are the foundation of our hope ! We want to make ours the witness of Peter and of those many brethren and sisters along the centuries, to repropose at the treshold of the new Millenium. It is true: " The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone." (Psalm 117 (118):22)..
On this foundation the Church of the Living God has been edified The Church of the risen Christ.
In Today's liturgy this Church sings an old hymn, always new although. With words full of transport it announces the victory from life upon death: "Mors et Vita duello conflixere mirando …"Life and death met in a prodigious duel" The Lord of life was dead, but now, alive, He is triumphant.
And as if it has happened hardly yesterday, the Church addresses to Mary of Magdala, who at first met the risen Lord: "Dic nobis, Maria, quid vidisti in via ?
" "Tell us, Mary, who did you see on the way ?
" The tomb of the living Christ, the Glory of the risen Christ, and the angels, His witnesses, the shroud and His garments. Christ, my Hope, is risen: and He will preceed you in Galilee".
5) Today, You, the Risen, want to meet us, in all places of the earth, the way you met yesterday your Apostles in Galilee. In virtue of this meeting we can also repeat: "Scmus Christum surrexisse a mortuis vere: tu nobis, victor Rex, miserere". Yes, we are sure: Christ is really risen. You, victorious King, bring us your salvation".
Yes, it concerns the Second Coming of Christ on Earth. Let us meditate the Holy Scriptures with scrupulous attention and we will find the flourishing of announcements of this kind:
Open the doors to the King of Glory;
The Ruler of the earth is about to come;
He will appease struggles, He will restore justice on earth
and a lot, lot more of expressions that clarify and state this second "Return on earth".
As He promised, Jesus Christ will come back on earth to rule and judge all the nations of the Kingdom of God. His second coming will be fulfilled in power and glory, and will be visible to everyone. This event will initiate resurrection of the dead and reward of the righteous (John 14:3; Rev. 17:14; Acts 1:11; Rev. 1:7; Matt. 24:38; 1 Tess. 4:15/17).
Oh, our beloved Redeemer, hasn't He presented Himself in humbleness, in poverty and paid for our sins with an ignominious death, destined to the worst criminals ?
So, to whom many prophecies of the past refer to ?
It is clear that there has to be another coming. Which one ?
Maybe it concerns the one of the end of the world, on the day of Universal Judgement, when also the dead will rise again to have major joy or major pains according to one's own rewards or shortcomings ?
No, it cannot be and that is very simple to understand, because the Gospel of St. Matthew denies it clearly, because is written:
"Then there shall be two men in the field; one will be taken, and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one will be left (Matt. 24:40/41). So it has not to deal with the third final coming of the Lord, but with an intermediate, that will sign a very important moment for whole mankind which has to submit itself to Judgement that will certainly determine its future life in joy or in pains (see Garabandal: The Warning).
Yes, because who has sown in tears, will reap, and who generated evil with hate, grudge, revenge, will make serious amends for these, because God, this time, comes as Judge and not as a Victim of Love; so who does not want to accept Him as such, will have to sustain Him as Avenger now. Love offers, sacrifies and immolates itself, but who rejects Love can and has to join God with pain and repentance. This is exactly the moment we have come to, brethren. There is no time anymore, Jesus is coming. Let us convert and quickly because in a short time the hour will go off and time will be over.
Pray intensively the Holy Virgin who at Medjugorje operated marvellous things and for the unlimited generosity of few, obtained a lot from God.
The chastisement announced (by many charismatics), that three quarters of the earth will have been destructed inexorably, has been annulled but still remains firm chastisement announced for the followers of Satan. These will perish and will have to perish in a terrible way, unfortunately for them. Many have been the crimes they have casted in the world, causing great pains for the dearest children of Jesus and it is not time to say mercy, because mercy will not be anymore.
It is not up to us to judge, it is up to us to pray and to put everything in the hands of the Immaculate Mother Mary, because She only can obtain, in case, salvation for them. Therefore, let us pray that the Holy Will of God shall fully come to pass, without denying Him anything, because He is the Ruler of the Universe, by Him everything has been created and His Law has been given to us to be observed..
Behaviour of the Church regarding the Second Coming: let us not be upset if the Church does not teach and promote this Truth. Important is that it has been announced in the Holy Scriptures to which we will have to adhere to. (See Rev. 1:7; Matt. 24:30/31 and 37/41; Luke 17:34/35 and 21:27/28). Not all that is written in the Holy Scriptures has been brought out and taught as principle of faith of the Church.
We had to come to the year of 1858 with Pope Pius IX to obtain acknowledgement and announcement of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and to the year of 1950 to obtain announcement of the dogma of the Assumption of Mary in Heaven in body and soul, with Pope Pius XII. These Truths were shaded in the Holy Scriptures and were brought out. Evidently the Church studies at length the Holy Scriptures and through Pontiffs particularly enlightened by the Holy Spirit comes to announce these principles of faith all Christians have to believe in, under pain of sin of heresy and of course be excluded from the Catholic Church. Well, then you have to recognize that on the contrary certain truths (as The Second Coming), announced in the Holy Scriptures has been, let us say, put aside, not for the lack of influential minds that might sound and put these perfectly to the attention of all believers, but let us say so, for the form of elementary care not to frighten many; because the world is made of many persons and there are the strong ones, but also the weak who have to be "protected".
And this is the principle the Church is keeping, like a provident Mother, who does not want to retreat the Announcement of the Truth, but she restricts herself to what is fundamental for the salvation of man and that facilitates more the path of man in achieving Christian virtues.
That's why they don't talk about the forthcoming Second Coming, well known to many theologians, that appears rather shocking for the chastisements it brings, also if there might be marvellous things that shall accompany this Coming and triumph of the righteous. Now the time has come, however, and we need to talk, because times are expiring and it is good that people "grows", matures quickly and accepts and agrees if it will not find itself unprepared and lost. And if it is true that the Church is like a Mother who wants to protect her children from anxiety one can avoid, by now, as a Mother, she has to recognize that danger has to be shown and right instructions has to be given.
Here we have all elements: the scriptural proofs, the writings of the saints and agreement of the numerous messages of modern charismatics, and this courageous stand, we hope, the Holy Mother Church will take as soon as possible. Luke 21:27 "And then they will see The Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory ..... Matt. 24:30 "And they will see The Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky ......
The witnesses of the Saints: From the book "Crucifies with the Crucified" by G: Roschini we have Teresa Musco, stigmatized, died in concept of great holiness in 1976, in the message of 28th May 1951 of The Holy Virgin Mary, prophecied: "All will see My Son coming on the clouds and then He will judge all those who have trampled His Innocent and Divine Blood.
Sister Elena Aiello: 16.4.1895/19.6.1961, has been the founder of the Minim Tertiary of Passion, she is also a stigmatized and lived a holy life, received many messages. Here is what she prophecied in 1961: " .....And then on a cloud Jesus Christ Himself will come and will be seen by everyone. (from "The Holy Nun" by P. Spadafora).
The enlightened Saint Grignon of Monfort in his "treatise of the real devotion to Mary", says that: "Through the Holy Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ came into the world: it is also through her that He will reign the world, so it is certain, that knowledge and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ have to be realized in the world and it will consequently be necessary that knowledge and reign of the Holy Virgin, who gave birth the first time, will shine the second time as well." Saint Thomas of Aquino confirms that "Final Judgement will be on the Third Coming of Jesus; therefore supposes a second coming.
Saint Bernard in the "Sermo III in Adventium Domini" expresses himself in this way: "We will experience a third Coming of the Lord". Pope Paul VI of blessed memory (for whom recently has been proposed the process of Beatification) said during the Angelus of 5th December 1976: " .....We exhort you as well, dear children, to seek for those "signs of times", which seem to precede a new Coming of Christ among us". Maria Valtorta, who died in 1961 in concept of holiness in "The Copybooks of 1943", writes at page 506: "Famine and death will be one of the harbingers of My Second Coming ........
page 510-511 "But you who obied in Me, listen to the promise of Christ. Wait for me with faithfullness and love and I will come unto you with all my gifts. With the gift of Gifts: Myself. I will come to redeem and to heal.
I will come to enlighten, defeat and dispel darkness. I will come to teach men to love and adore The Eternal God, The Most High, The Holy Christ, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. I will come and bring you not the peace of this world - neverending destroyer of peace - but the Peace of the Kingdom that will never die. Rejoice, oh my faithful servants. This says you the mouth that does not lie. You will not have to fear evil anymore, because I will put an end to the time of evil and will anticipate this end for the mercy of My blessed ones. Rejoice, above all, oh you, my beloved ones of this hour. More pressing will be for you the Coming of Christ and His glorious Embrace. For you the gates of the City of God will already be open and your Saviour will come out to meet you and give you Real Life. Only a short time and I shall come for you.
As for Lazarus, my friend, I will call you one by one: "Come out". Out of this earthly life which is the tomb of the Spirit, imprisoned by the flesh. Come out. To the life and freedom of Heaven. Call upon Me with your faithful love. It might be the flame that melts the chains of the flesh and gives the spirit freedom to come unto Me very soon. Let hear the most beautiful cry written by man: "Come oh Lord Jesus".
Nun Faustina Kowalska, who died in concept of holiness and beatified by John Paul II, in the book "The apparitions of Jesus Merciful to nun Faustina" refers: "It is up to Me to prepare the world for My Second Coming. This is a sign of the end-times. After these the day of justice will rise. Out of Poland the sparkle that prepares the world to My Second Coming will come (Message of 1973). The messages of modern charismatics. Many are the messages we received from charismatics spread all over the world that concern the forthcoming Second Coming of Christ on earth. Certainly not all are known as they have to be, for the prohibition of spiritual guides, for the fear of contrasting the Ecclesiastic Hierarchy and also the cultural religious lack of preparation of certain instruments, though called by God to serve in this all particular way.
But there are some, particularly clear and specific we would like to mention.
These are things you cannot take with less consideration, but you need the maximum of respect, attention and boldness of the strong to agree because: IT IS GOD WHO COMES ! So let us encourage ourselves though with blessed hope and examine these texts which will make us fervently grow in love and prepare us in holiness and give consolation to the afflicted hearts and the injustly persecuted.
Behave yourselves wisely, brethren, and do not waver because if Jesus comes, He comes to bring order, justice, peace in a world in which there is not anymore order, justice and peace. Guilts will be cleansed and tremendous chastisements are already upon the heads of the followers of Satan, while wonderful gifts will be bestowed to those who did support in peace their cross, forgiving their own persecutors and bringing good on earth. The fulness of God's grace which is in Mary the Holy Virgin, will be of considerable help in those solumn moments when it seems that Heaven and Earth tremble and many prayers pronounced by the good ones will relieve pain and fear that will run over all, that means really all because nobody is perfect and the Justice of God is unequivocal.
Guilts will be cleansed, praiseworthy deeds will be rewarded. It is Jesus who says you, dear brethren: "Wake up, Your Saviour is coming. He likes to come and free those He has redeemed with His Blood and who have been faithful to His Holy Alliance, to the Great Covenant on Golgotha". Nothing else to be said, only: "Convert yourselves and quickly because there is no time anymore. Make amends without waisting one minute, because the hour is grievous and the Holy Hour of God is to begin".
Have faith in the Holy Virgin and say thanks for this writing that reaches you as a gift from God. You will improve your situation if you believe and you will worsen it if you do not believe. The confirmations of the current charismatics: Our Lady appears all over the world and notwith- standing the indifference "wanted" by the press and by other means of communication, news of ap- paritions in all five continents leak out.
To tell the Truth the witnesses gathered aren't many, but sufficient to demonstrate an agreement between different people operating in most desperate places. Miriana, one of the seers of Medjugorje speaks of: ".......a misterious return of Christ".
(from Medjugorje 15th February, 1987, p. 38)
Mary, another seer of Medjugorje confirms: " ......All the apparitions we had of Our Lady are a preparation to the Coming of Jesus (from "The Echo of Medjugorje" of 12th February 1987). As to all the actual apparitions at Kibheo in Ruanda, Africa, Alphonsine the seer, did quote: "You will recognize the moment of My return when you will see break out religious-wars. When you will see this happen, know that I'm about to come. Nothing can stop these wars". Message of Saint Thomas of Aquino to G.C. (from Lazio) of 28th of August, 1987e will return!....
He can do everything! Let His voice pierces each ear! His Aspect will also be seen by the eyes of the blind!...Message of the same saint to G.C. of 3rd of September 1987: "He will come in His Glory and the astounded, admired, upsetted men will bound their knees before His presence! And He will come in His Glory. He shall come as a light and shall show His shining Aspect as God-Man". On the 24th of December 1978, Our Lady dictated these words to S.G. (from Lombardia): "Like the first so shall be His second Coming, dear children; like His birth in that night, will be the return of Jesus in Glory, before His final Coming for the Final Judgement, of which the hour though is still hidden in the secrets of the Father.
The world shall find itself wrapped by the darkness of the denial of God, by its stubborn rejection, by the rebellion against His Law of Love.
The ice of hatred shall make the streets of the world even more deserted. So hardly anybody will be ready to receive Him. Not even the great ones shall remember Him, the rich shall close Him their doors, while His ones shall be very busy in searching and asserting themselves. When The Son of Man shall come, He will still find faith on earth ?
He shall come unexpectedly and the world will not be ready at His Coming. He will come for Judgement and man will find himself unprepared.
He shall come to restore His Kingdom in the world, after having defeated and destroyed His enemies.
Also in this Second Coming The Son shall come to you by way of His Mother.
Like the Word of His Father did serve Himself by My Virginality to reach you, Jesus will serve My Immaculate Heart to come and reign among you. This is the hour of My Immaculate Heart because it is preparing the Coming of the Glorious Kingdom of Love of Jesus. My dearest children, like Myself do prepare yourselves to receive Him! This Holy Night is for you a sign and a grace. I gather you besides His humble craddle to fill up the big void mankind caused Him; I hold you in My Immaculate Heart to prepare you to receive Jesus who is coming to reach you in the splendour of His Glorious Kingdom.
Message of 5th of May 1972 to F.. from Lombardia on the consequence of objections raised up by a theologian: "Why not believe in My Coming as the end of the world?
I cannot come triumphant on heavenly clouds upon the earth that still hates me. That is why I have to come earlier to prepare my dearest into a world of Love. I shall come with the Paraclete....." Message of 1st December 1977 of our Lord Jesus to the priest Mons. Ottavio Michelino who died in 1979: " ...I am Jesus, I'll take up the talking left open and on the contrary not closed at all as to My Church; I've put her in the world, in the midst of the world because Her mission is addressed to all people and nations of the earth, she has been established by the Godly Will, master and guide of all men; this is the place she belongs to, this is the place which shall be recognized her after purification. Her duty is undescribable in this intermediate time between the first Coming of Christ on earth with its mistery of Incarnation and the Second Coming, at the end of times, to judge the living and the dead; from these two comings the first one shall reveal the Mercy of God, the second one, the Justice of Christ, real God and real Man, like a priest, King and Universal Judge.
The intermediate coming shall be the Kingdom of Jesus in the souls, Kingdom of Peace, Kingdom of Justice, that shall have its full and bright splendour after purification". (from "Confidences of Jesus to a Priest, vol. "The measure is overflowing...", pages 12-13). Message of 5th March, 1986 of D (from Umbria): "...My Coming is near ...:"
Message of 28th of January 1986 received by the same person: "...very soon I shall come down on earth for the second time ".
The seer Rosario of Bel Passo (Catania) referred what Our Lady said to him on 1st of February 1988: "...:God, in His Infinite Mercy, wanted to entrust me with this task: announce to the world His imminent Coming". M.R. (of Puglie) referred: " We have to prepare ourselves because the Second Coming of the Lord is very near though, times are almost to mature". The seer A (of Lazio) repeats what the Lord revealed her: "Pray fervently and humbly because God shall come soon".
Message received from M.R. (of Lazio) on the 4th of August 1984: ".....Be ready and prepare yourselves for My Coming that shall be powerful and wonderful for My elected ones...Courage, because the hour is near though ...." That's My Mother to preceed Me ....She is the Star that announces the morning, She is among you on earth and prepares you. ...Do follow the Star like the Three Kings did, arriving from different places and from a far to adore the One and Only King. This is the moment for Mary The Virgin to come and prepare the hearts, to gather you, to encourage you, to give refreshment, to feed you with My Word and announce you My return....I'm near...I look at you and I am about to come with undescribable power and for those who are waiting for me, it shall be such a joy, greater than man can ever sustain: to see My Glory. But I shall back you up unless you shall not die, because this joy shall be so great that it shall be unsustainable for the heart of man..... You will see me on the heavenly clouds with great splendour, but for those who don't expect me, for those who don't love me, for those who don't convert themselves, it shall be unsupportable: they will die !"
Message received by the same person on the 25th of October 1984: "....I Your God shall not permit that the design of the Evil One, that is to substitute the generation of the children of God by a generation of children of evil, will be realized. I have created you, redeemed you, saved you and will save you! But how shall I save you, oh children, if you don't feel the Love of Your God anymore ?
I shall return! Shall I still find Love in the hearts of my faithful, the afflicted and suffering ones, the righteous, the minors, the hidden ones and of those who offered themselves like hosts of peace and love for their brethren all over the world ?
" Message o A.S. (from Lazio) of 24th October 1984: "..Behold, behold there comes Our Saviour Jesus. Behold, He is breaking through the clouds and appears. Behold for He comes again. He is coming. He comes to judge the earth !
The Lord speaks: " I have counted the days and I shall count them again, but only for a short while. Not everyone does understand the seriousness of these times we are living. And this message is above all for them. Give it to everybody. Throw it around by handfuls and allow the little ones and the afflicted your consolation."
Message received by the same person on the 27th of July, 1985: 2 Don't worry my faithful, simple, good and humble ones, dearest to the Heart of Jesus, who have searched in life to sow only love, to bring peace, oh simple and humble hearts, lovers of the Truth, behold because He is coming, He is coming to save you....He is Love, He is Life, He is the Truth, He is the lofty Joy, behold, behold for the Bridegroom is coming, He comes to reward His faithful.....".
Madeleine the seer at Dozulé, in France on the 21st apparition confirmed: Jesus says to all His disciples: "Make this message know, the big Tribulation is near. The return of the Son of Man has been announced!.
Conclusion: "The Second Coming of Christ, the "Parousia", unfortunately though, shall be preceeded by big destructive events, big events and signs on Earth and in Heaven. We are not going towards the end of the world meant to be the definite end of the whole world, but we are to abandon an ancient age, an ancient way to be.
With the Second Coming of Christ, we go towards the birth of a new world, but above all of a new man. The message the Gospels contain regarding The Second Coming of Christ, is positive, notwithstanding its painful labour from the Old World to the New Age, that brings us to show in all its heights our real being, that Spiritual one, as when God created us". The Pope's words with particular reference to these times. Speeches of His Holiness Pope John Paul II, that seem to refer to a renewal of the world. Words pronounced during The Angelus:
" Dear young ones, I give you appointment for the next Universal Day of Youth in Rome, during the summer of the year 2000. I am sure that you will come in a big number to this extraordinary meeting. During the Great Jubilee of 2000 we shall live together an experience of spiritual communion that will certainly mark your lives. Who shall live, shall see. John Paul II (at Fulda in Germany in 1981), answers to the questions of a group of persons: " What is the third Secret of Fatima ?
This had to be published already in 1960. "Considering the seriousness of the contents of the secret of FATIMA and for not encouraging the worldly power of communism in making certain actions (interferences), my predecessors on Saint Peter's Chair did prefer diplomatically to put off its publication (they preferred a diplomatic relationship).
On the other hand it might be sufficient for all Christians to know that if there is a message which said that the oceans will flood whole parts of the world, and millions of men shall perish from one minute to another, it really is not time anymore to desire publication of this secret message."
How will things go on with the Church ?
" We have to prepare ourselves to suffer, within not distant times big trials will call for us to be ready to give our lives too in complete abandon of ourselves to Christ and for Christ. By means of your and my prayers it will be possible to soften this Tribulation, but it will not be possible to remove it anymore, because only in this way, the Church may be renewed. How often the renewal of the Church has been realized with bloodshed ?
This time too it will not be different! We have to keep strong, we have to be prepared, have faith in Christ and in His Holy Mother and be devoted in saying the Rosary."
Before the devastation that will shake here and there the various continents before the pursuing rhytm of the overthrow of things and values that undermine certainties and even life of nations, I make mine the hope of Saint Augustin, before the assault of the vandals on the city of Ippona, when a group of alerted Christians of his church was looking for him: "Don't be frightened, dear ones! - the holy bishop assured them - " this isn't the ancient world that will have an end, it is a new world that begins".
A new dawn seems to rise in the heaven of history, inviting Christians to be the light and salt of a world that is in big need of Christ, Redemptor of man". (Lisbon 10.5.1991 - Roman Observer 12.5.1991) From the "deep supernatural appeals" coming from Fatima in 1917 "many things shall change the european and wordly survey and numerous events will be realized in this century, especially during the final years." (Fatima 13.5.1991 - Avvenire 14.5.1991). At Fatima on the 13th of May 1982: " Before us stands the danger of apostasy from God, the struggle against God and against all that is sacred and godlike. Maybe we are near to the time predicted by Saint Paul, the time of the Antichrist, raising himself against God and against each kind of religion. It is time though in which also the Holy Spirit alerts the whole Church through Our Lady". "Mary particularly united to Christ in His First Coming, for Her continuous collaboration with Him, shall also be united awaiting the Second....She also has this typical part, like a Mother does, to be mediatress of mercifulness on His definite Coming....." (Redemptor Mater, 41).
In different occasions: "Emmanuel, God with us, the Eucharist is the sacramental witness of your First Coming; it is a constant forewarning of Your Second Coming and the sign of Your Definite Coming". "The Church which desires even to be Mother, talks to you, Oh Mother of Christ, Oh Immaculate Mother of the suffering and hope of men and nations. From the deep of the second Advent, which is in course after the First Coming of Christ, the Church cries out to you: "Good Mother of the Redemptor..... come and help the people that falls and even longs for resur- rection! Door of Heaven! Be to us the door of the Advent of God. The door of salvation! Amen". (Avvenire 9.12.1988).
A new dawn seems to rise in the heaven of history, from Cova of Iria it seems to spread around a comforting light, full of hope that illuminates the facts which characterize the end of this second Millenium (Pro Deo et Fratibus - 1/1993). The prophecy of Jesus written in Cap. 24 of St. Matthew is about to come true. This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be announced all over the world, because it shall be witnessed to all people." The Pope interrupted the phrase, but the Gospel concludes: "And then the end shall come". (28.8.1988).
In Canada, at Edmonton before thousand of people: "The God of peace be with us, here in Canada and everywhere. May justice and peace embrace one another again one more time at the end of the Second Millenium that prepares us to the Coming of Christ in Glory. Amen". Denver, universal day of Youth - 15th of August 1993: "Our pilgrimage ..... have to continue as "a new Advent", a moment of hope and waiting, until the return of the Lord in Glory:" "The world at the drawing near of a new Millenium for which the whole Church is preparing herself, is like a field ready to be reaped". "Maranatha ! Here from Cherry Creek State Park at Denver, in this reunion of young ones coming from all over the world, we shout: Maranatha! Do come Lord Jesus". (19.8.1993).
From the book of John Paul II "To cross the treshold of hope" : "And here comes the 13th of May 1981. When I was hit by the bullet from the assailant in Saint Peter's Place, I did not realize at the beginning the fact that that exact day was the anniversary of the day on which Mary appeared to the three children at Fatima, in Portugal, addressing them those words, that at the end of this century, seem to get near fulfilment". With the solemnity of the encyclicals: "On this background so characteristic for our time, we have to underline the "desires of the Spirit" in preparing the great jubilee, as a recall that sounds during the night of a new time of Advent, at the end of which - like 2000 years ago - each man will see the Salvation of God." (Dominum et vivificantem, 56)
"Also peace is fruit of love: interior peace that wearied man is searching for in the heart of his being; that peace needed by mankind, by human family, by people, by nations, by continents, with an anxious hope to obtain in the outlook of the passage from the Second to the Third Christian Millenium." (Dominum et vivificantem, 67)
".....most precious fruit .... from part of faithful laity is listen to the call of Christ to work in His vineyard, to take an active, conscious and responsable part to the mission of the Church in this magnificent and drammatic hour of history, with the imminence of the third Millenium." (Christifideles laici, 3)
Speech at Turin for the day of Ascension in 1997:
" ... now the task passes on to us pilgrims, still on our way on earth. After the Ascension of Jesus two angels ask the Apostles: Why are you looking at Heaven?
This Jesus who ascended in Heaven, one day shall return. The question has also been addressed to us. We are now in the time of active and alert waiting for the Glorious return of Christ; our spirit animated by active hope, rejoices and invokes: Come, Lord Jesus! And the answer given in the book of Revelations, fill up our hearts with joy like the hearts of each believer is filled up with joy: Yes, I shall come quickly". To the participants of the VIII International Meeting of Catholic Brotherhood (30th May until 2nd June 1998):
"At the nearing of the new Millenium, the Church hears the call, the urgent appeal of the Master for an even bigger commitment to the mission: "the wheat is mature, time of harvest has come (Marc 4:29).
General audience of Wednesday 19th August 1998: "This deep personal and communitary renewal awaited for in the "fullness of time" and realized by the Holy Spirit will involve, somehow, the whole universe... Creation, enlivened by the presence of the Creator's Spirit, has been called to become "the dwelling of peace" for the entire human family.".
On the 50th anniversary for the end of World War II: "What to do so that the nations of Europe and of the whole wide world live in peace at the end of the twentieth century and build a bridge of peace towards the centuries and the generations of the third Millenium ?
What to do to extinguish the hot-beds of war present, unfortunately, in the Balkans, Kaukasus, Ruanda and in other parts of the earth ?
Christ answers with the words of today's Gospel according to St. John: "The day before His Passion, He announced to the Apostles during The Last Supper the coming of the Holy Spirit: "When the Spirit of Truth shall come, he shall guide you to the whole entire Truth, because he will not talk about himself, but will say all that he'll have heard and shall announce you future things".
From the speech in St. Peter's Place for the celebration of the Immaculate, 8th of December, 1997: "Mankind who hastens itself to enter in the third Millenium finds i the Immaculate its pattern of waiting and hope. She teaches us to refuge from fatalism and passive resignation, as well as from any millenarianist temptation. She teaches us to look at the future knowing that God is coming towards us; we have been called to prepare ourselves for this meeting in prayer and in alert waiting". From the prayer of the Holy Father John Paul II for the second year of preparation for the Great Jubilee of 2000: "Come Creator's Spirit, mysterious author of the Kingdom, with the power of your Holy Gifts, guide your Church to cross with courage the treshold of the new Millenium to bring to all generations that will come, the light of the Word that saves. Spirit of Holiness, divine breath that moves the universe, come and renew the facet of the earth".
Notes on prophecies, apparitions and charismatic messages in relationship with the current events. Seers and charismatics, even if they are authentic and in good faith, they aren't infallible; therefore it's essential to examine their statements in the unfailing light of the Scriptures and teachings of the Church. In that way one can "take what is good" and reject what is contrasting the normal christian virtue of prudence.
Where a definite judgement of the Magister is lacking, questions remain open, but it is useful to take account of the tradition and of the opinion of mystics and Fathers of the Church, where it has been expressed so.
Also the christian people does have its own "sensus fidei" and "cannot be mistaken in its belief, and reveals this capacity through the supernatural sense of faith of the whole Christian people, when from the bishops down to the lowest lay-believers, it shows its universal agreement in questions of faith or morality".(Lumen Gentium, 12). Besides the current clamorous oppositions from the local bishop, do exist charismatic phenomenons and messages from Our Lady which are well accepted by bishops, priests and a great number of believers. It is interesting to note that in certain well-accepted situations, Our Lady normally gives the same admonishments and messages on the future, that she reveals where supernatural phenomenons are being rejected.
Very often the argument that certain apparitions have not been recognized by the Church is for someone an excuse to have not interest at all in such. In that case it is not useful to oppose valid demonstrations because good will lacks to receive new things the Holy Spirit wants to reveal: infact each authentic prophecy is His gift and a new light to comprehend better and actualise the one and only unchangeable Revelation. Others, although not hostile, do forget the wellknown evangelic warning of new wine and old leather wineskins.
On the other hand the messages, ordinarily speaking, one can understand if you live them deeply and taking that spiritual way they invite you in. If a person starts that way of conversion, prayer, rejecting evil even if slightly, opening to supernatural, he also begins to understand the mysterious design that Heaven is tracking through his numerous interventions in each part of the world. The central point is this: Jesus, Our Lady and sometimes the angels, do show themselves today with frequency and in extraordinary ways and repeat to all substantly the same identic concept (it could be neither different because their worries and their pressing invitation for salvation corrispond to one and only design).
Each supernatural message, besides being always an appeal to conversion, emphasizes at the same time the projects of God and have to be seen like a tessera of a big mosaic that is being outlined. The contropositions and the "parochialism of apparitions" are absurd. Like in each mosaic there are big and small tesseras, of different importance, beauties and colours, many do still lack and therefore it is not possible to understand exactly the final scene. But in great lines from now on it is possible to see in rough cast something of God's project. And as the tesseras grow - sometimes also a small one is important - our comprehension grows higher too: therefore The Father loves to reveal the secrets of His Kingdom to the little ones and gives His children the signs implicitly promised (cfr. Matt. 24:32/33).
It is true that Jesus shall come like a thief, but only for those who don't expect Him ! The apostle infact confirms: "You, brethren, don't live in darkness, because that day will surprise you like a thief, you are all children of the light .... (I Tess. 5:1/4). And it really is a big light that is reaching today's men through the extraordianry events from Heaven, most of all with the apparitions and messages of Our Lady, throughout the world. Message of Urbi et Orbi, Easter 1998 (12th April 1998).
1) "You know what happened to Jesus of Nazareth .....we are witnesses of all that He fulfilled in Region of Judah and in Jerusalemme" (cfr. Acts 10:37/39). These are the words that the Apostle Peter witness of the resurrection of Christ, directed to Cornelius, the Centurion and his family. Today the witnesses talk.
The eye witnesses present at the events of the Holy Friday talk, those who were frightened before the Sanhedrin, those who on the third day found the empty tomb. Witnesses of resurrection were first of all the women of Jerusalem and Mary of Magdala; first of all Peter and John, than all the others.
Witness was also Saulus of Tarso, converted at the gates of Damascus, later on they were the Apostles, informed by the women; to whom Christ allowed to live through the power of His resurrection, to become though the elected vessel of the missionary outburst of the primitive Church. 2) Yes, in this very day the witnesses begin to speak: not only the first ones, those eye-witnesses, but also those who learned from them the Easter-message and bore witness to the crucified and risen Christ, from generation in generation.
Some have been witnesses until the outpouring of blood and , with thanks to them, the Church continued to walk also among hard persecutions and obstinate rejections. On this unending witness the Church has been grown and now is spread throughout the earth. Today it is the celebration of all witnesses, also those of our century, who announced Christ in the midst of "great Tribulation" (Rev. 7:14), confessing His death and resurrection, in the concentration-camps and gulag, under threat of bombs and guns, in the middle of terror roused by blind hatred, that painfully had involved single persons and whole nations. Today they come out of the great Tribulation and sing the Glory of Christ: in Him, risen from darkness of death, life has been revealed.
3) Today, we also are witnesses of the risen Christ and we renew His announcement of peace to all mankind that walks towards the third Millenium. We witness His death and His resurrection, especially to men of our time, involved in brotherly fights and slaughters, that reopens the wounds of etnic rivalry, and, at this time in various regions of all Continents, especially in Africa and Europe, deposit on earth the seed of death and new conflicts for a sad tomorrow.
This announcement of peace is for how many go along calvary that seems without an end, frustrated in their yearnings to the respect of dignity and rights of man of justice, of work at the most reasonable conditions of existence. To this announcement the responsables of the nations and each man of good will inspire themselves, especially in the Middle-East and particularly at Jerusalem, where peace has been risked from dangerous political options.
It gives courage to whom believed and believes in the dialogue to risolve national and International tensions; infuse in the heart of all the fearlessness of hope that rises from the acknowledged and respected truth, so that they reveal in the world new and promising horizons of solidarity. Christ, died and risen for us, You are the foundation of our hope ! We want to make ours the witness of Peter and of those many brethren and sisters along the centuries, to repropose at the treshold of the new Millenium. It is true: " The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone." (Psalm 117 (118):22)..
On this foundation the Church of the Living God has been edified The Church of the risen Christ.
In Today's liturgy this Church sings an old hymn, always new although. With words full of transport it announces the victory from life upon death: "Mors et Vita duello conflixere mirando …"Life and death met in a prodigious duel" The Lord of life was dead, but now, alive, He is triumphant.
And as if it has happened hardly yesterday, the Church addresses to Mary of Magdala, who at first met the risen Lord: "Dic nobis, Maria, quid vidisti in via ?
" "Tell us, Mary, who did you see on the way ?
" The tomb of the living Christ, the Glory of the risen Christ, and the angels, His witnesses, the shroud and His garments. Christ, my Hope, is risen: and He will preceed you in Galilee".
5) Today, You, the Risen, want to meet us, in all places of the earth, the way you met yesterday your Apostles in Galilee. In virtue of this meeting we can also repeat: "Scmus Christum surrexisse a mortuis vere: tu nobis, victor Rex, miserere". Yes, we are sure: Christ is really risen. You, victorious King, bring us your salvation".
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