First Theory
As you know Nostradamus only wrote 42 quatrains in the Seventh Century and it has always been a mystery as to why he didn't complete it. Well I submit that Nostradamus did complete the Seventh Century and that the completion of the Seventh Century can be found in the Sixtains. Please allow me to explain this.
In the Letter to Cesar Nostradamus wrote "But being overtaken several times a week by (the spirit of) prophecy that lends a sweet odour to my nocturnal studies, I have by dint of long calculations composed books of prophecies each containing 100 prophetic astronomical quatrains which I have intentionally arranged a little obscurely."
If we examine the work we find that all the centuries (books of prophecies) except the Seventh Century do contain astronomical quatrains. The Seventh Century, with the exception of quatrain 2 line 1, which makes a breif reference to Mars which could hardly be considered astronomical, contains no astronomical quatrains. Thus, by Nostradamus' own words, the Seventh Century as it presently stands is false. The situation now is that where before we had an incomplete century, we now have a missing century.
Now Nostradamus,as part of his work wrote 58 sixtains. Since the sixtains do contain astronomical references I submit that the 58 sixtains make up the missing part of the seventh century. Nostradamus wrote that he intentionally arranged the work somewhat obscurely. Suppose he arranged the quatrains into sixtains. Allow me to explain.
Consider this. If we multiply the 58 sixtains by the 6 lines per sixtain, we obtain the total amount of work done, thus
58 sixtains x 6 lines per sixtain = 348 lines of work
Now if we divide the 348 lines of work by 4 lines per quatrain we obtain the equivalent amount of work in quatrains. Thus
348 lines divided by 4 lines per quatrain = 87 quatrains
We can now see how Nostradamus arranged 87 quatrains into 58 sixtains while maintaining the same amount of work.
Now if we subtract the 87 quatrains from the 100 quatrains there are in a century we obtain quatrain 13. Thus
100 quatrains - 87 quatrains = quatrain 13
Thus, from quatrain 1 to quatrain 13 is part of the seventh century and from quatrain 14 onwards is false.
Now having done the mathematics it's time to put the theory into practice. Let's consider the first quatrain to be eliminated by my theory.
(He will) Come to expose the false topography
The urns of the monument will be opened
Sect and Holy philosophy to thrive
For white black and new for the old
Now that the subject matter is known line 1 is easy to understand. It says precisely what I have done, and that is, to expose the false topography, that is, the false seventh century. Rember we reached this quatrian by mathematics and logic alone.
I understand line 2 but prefer not to interpret it since it refers to Nostradamus' secret second works and I'm still working on it.
Line 3 also concerns Nostradamus' secret second works.
Line 4 refers to white blank pages of the seventh century to black printed pages. "New for old" obviously refers to a new seventh century for the old seventh century.
We can now say that the seventh century comprises of quatrain 1 to quatrain 13 and sixtain 1 to sixtain 58 makes up the complete seventh
Gary Sainty
Second Theory
In the Letter to Cesar Nostradamus wrote "But being overtaken several times a week by (the spirit of) prophecy that lends a sweet odour to my nocturnal studies, I have by dint of long calculations composed books of prophecies each containing 100 prophetic astronomical quatrains which I have intentionally arranged a little obscurely."
If we examine the work we find that all the centuries (books of prophecies) except the Seventh Century do contain astronomical quatrains. The Seventh Century, with the exception of quatrain 2 line 1, which makes a breif reference to Mars which could hardly be considered astronomical, contains no astronomical quatrains. Thus, by Nostradamus' own words, the Seventh Century as it presently stands is false. The situation now is that where before we had an incomplete century, we now have a missing century.
Now Nostradamus,as part of his work wrote 58 sixtains. Since the sixtains do contain astronomical references I submit that the 58 sixtains make up the missing part of the seventh century. Nostradamus wrote that he intentionally arranged the work somewhat obscurely. Suppose he arranged the quatrains into sixtains. Allow me to explain.
Consider this. If we multiply the 58 sixtains by the 6 lines per sixtain, we obtain the total amount of work done, thus
58 sixtains x 6 lines per sixtain = 348 lines of work
Now if we divide the 348 lines of work by 4 lines per quatrain we obtain the equivalent amount of work in quatrains. Thus
348 lines divided by 4 lines per quatrain = 87 quatrains
We can now see how Nostradamus arranged 87 quatrains into 58 sixtains while maintaining the same amount of work.
Now if we subtract the 87 quatrains from the 100 quatrains there are in a century we obtain quatrain 13. Thus
100 quatrains - 87 quatrains = quatrain 13
Thus, from quatrain 1 to quatrain 13 is part of the seventh century and from quatrain 14 onwards is false.
Now having done the mathematics it's time to put the theory into practice. Let's consider the first quatrain to be eliminated by my theory.
(He will) Come to expose the false topography
The urns of the monument will be opened
Sect and Holy philosophy to thrive
For white black and new for the old
Now that the subject matter is known line 1 is easy to understand. It says precisely what I have done, and that is, to expose the false topography, that is, the false seventh century. Rember we reached this quatrian by mathematics and logic alone.
I understand line 2 but prefer not to interpret it since it refers to Nostradamus' secret second works and I'm still working on it.
Line 3 also concerns Nostradamus' secret second works.
Line 4 refers to white blank pages of the seventh century to black printed pages. "New for old" obviously refers to a new seventh century for the old seventh century.
We can now say that the seventh century comprises of quatrain 1 to quatrain 13 and sixtain 1 to sixtain 58 makes up the complete seventh
Gary Sainty
Second Theory
Nostradamus' powers of prophecy have always been a subject of debate between sceptics and believers. The sceptics say that Nostradamus' prophecies can be made to fit just about any event. The believers, at the other extreme, often make outlandish interpretations of Nostradamus' prophecies. No quatrain has ever been "proven" beyond doubt and subsequently Nostradamus' powers as a prophet has never been "proven". Here we will prove, beyond doubt, that Nostradamus not only had the powers of a prophet but other powers as well.
Nostradamus had knowledge of 20th century topography and was able to use this knowledge to strike accurate navigational bearings, which would have been impossible in his time. I know it sounds outlandish to suggest that a man who lived in the 16th century could do this but nevertheless he could, he did and I can prove it. Let us first consider Century 2 Quatrain 96.
A blazing torch will be seen in the sky at night,
Not far from the end and source of the Rhone:
Famine, weapon: help provided too late,
Persia will turn and invade Macedonia.
Nostradamus would have known that it would not be possible to see a "blazing torch" simultaneously from the end and source of the Rhone River in France. However, with knowledge of 20th century topography he could intend line 2 to be a navigational bearing.
If we join the end and source of the Rhone River with a straight line and, since Nostradamus says that the "blazing torch" is not far from the end of the Rhone River, we extend that line to the south, we see that the line passes through Barcelona in Spain. (See map 1).
Now the quatrain makes sense. The "blazing torch" that Nostradamus was referring to, that "will be seen in the sky at night" was the Olympic flame of the Barcelona Olympics, which was held in 1992.
Line 3 is an accurate description of the crisis in Somalia, which was happening around the same time. During this crisis there was a severe famine in Somalia and the Somalian warlords used their military strength to dominate the Somalians and pillage the United Nations relief supplies.
The rest of the world would not intervene and it was not until tens of thousands had died that western military strength was sent in to restore order. Precisely as Nostradamus had predicted "help provided too late".
In line four Nostradamus predicts that Persia, now Iran, will turn and invade Macedonia. It seems impossible, with the USA, NATO and the United Nations acting as the world policeman and intervening to stop wars that this could happen.
But nevertheless given the accuracy of this quatrain, the accuracy of Nostradamus' prophecies in general and the clarity of the prophecy, I have no doubt that it will occur since Nosradamus speaks many times in his prophecies of a war between Islam and Christianity. This could be the beginning of such a war.
Now the fact that Nostradamus used the end and source of the Rhone River as a navigational bearing to indicate Barcelona could be dismissed as a coincidence if it happened just the once.
However, Nostradamus must have anticipated this because he does it more than once. Consider Century 1 Quatrain 71. This is even more spectacular than Century 2 Quatrain 96 just discussed.
The marine tower three times taken and retaken,
By Spanish, Barbarians, Ligurians,
Marseilles and Aix, Arles by the one of Pisa,
Devastation, fire, iron, pillage Avignon from
At first this quatrain does not make any sense and, until we use Nostradamus' knowledge of 20th century topography and his ability to use this knowledge to strike accurate navigational bearings, it doesn't.
In their order the names of the places given in France are Marseilles, Aix, Arles and Avignon. First we take a straight line from Marseilles to Aix-en-Provence. Next we take a straight line from Arles to Avignon. Since Arles was the first town mentioned, similarly to the "end of the Rhone" in Century 2 Quatrain 96, we will extend this line to the south. We see that this line passes almost directly through Oran on the North African coast in Algeria (See map 2). Next we take the bearing from Marseilles and Aix-en-Provence and we extend this bearing to the south since Marseilles was the first mentioned. This bearing takes us nowhere.
Now we consider the navigational bearing through Oran. What is so significant about Oran? Well, Oran is divided up into three main sections, La Blanca, La Ville Nouville and La Marine. La Marine is the area near the sea and it is in this area where the Santa Cruz Citadel overlooks the Mediterranean Sea. The Santa Cruz Citadel, built by the Turks, is the "marine tower" mentioned in line one of this quatrain.
Oran was founded in the 10th century AD by Andalusian merchants (Andalusia was a region in southern Spain) who established Oran as abase for trade with North Africa. The kingdom of Ilemcen (North Africans) took it in 1437. It was then taken by Spain in 1509 who held it for two centuries until it fell to the Turks (Barbarians) in 1708.
The city was retaken by Spain in 1732 but it was devastated by earthquake in 1790. It was abandoned and retaken by the Turks (Barbarians) in 1792 however; it suffered a serious state of decline and was occupied by France in 1831. The French developed Oran into a modern port and eventually established a navel station there.
France held it until Algerian independence in 1962 after which the North Africans retook it and the cycle was completed.
When Nostradamus mentions "Ligurians" in this quatrain he was not referring to Italians, he was in fact, referring to the North Africans. The North Africans, referred to by the Romans as "Ligures" occupied Liguria (on the coast of Italy at Geova) from Neolithic times. The Romans defeated them after a long struggle, in121BC.
Thus Nostrsadamus was absolutely correct. The marine tower (the Santa Cruz Citadel and therefore Oran) was taken and retaken three times by Spanish, Barbarians (Turks) and Ligurains (North Africans). To detail this for clarity.
Oran founded by Andalusian merchants............10th century AD
Taken by Ligurains (North Africans).............1437
Taken by Spain....................1509
Taken by Barbarians (Turks)...............1708
Retaken by Spain....................1732
Retaken by Barbarians (Turks)..............1792
Retaken by Ligurains (North Africans)...........1962
In line three "Arles by the one of Pisa" refers to the Italians. In line four "Thurins" refers to the area of Thuringia in Germany. These two lines refer to the invasion of France by Germany in World War 2 when Italy was the allies of Germany.
Since I don't know the history of Arles and Avignon in World War 2 it would be interesting to know if the Italians did in fact occupy Arles and if the Germans occupied Avignon.
This quatrain can only be solved by using Nostradamus' knowledge of 20th century topography and his ability to use this knowledge to strike accurate navigational bearings.
What Nostradamus has done in these two quatrains is truly amazing because the maps required to strike these navigational bearings did not exist in Nostradamus' time. In fact maps of this accuracy were not produced until aerial surveys became a reality in the 20th century.
The maps in Nostradamus' time were primarily designed for nautical navigation and showed the coastal outlines of the continents that had been discovered at that time. In fact Gerardus Mercartor, who developed the projection to allow bearings to be plotted as straight lines, published his map of Europe in 1554.
Since Nostradamus' prophecies were published in 1555 the adds are that Century1 Quatrain 71 and Century 2 Quatrain96 were already written before Mercartors projection was published. In any event, Mercartor's map of Europe would not have shown the relationship between the end and source of the Rhone River and Barcelona or the relationship between Avignon and Arles and Oran because topographical surveys of France were not carried out until the 18th century.
Topographical surveys of France were organized by the French Academy, among others, and in 1748 the Carte Geometrique de la France comprising 182 sheets was authorized. Napoleon, an ardent map enthusiast, planned a great survey of Europe on a 1:100,000 scale which was well under way when he was overthrown.
In any event, even armed with topographical maps of France it would still be impossible to strike these accurate navigational bearings because the correct position of Barcelona and Oran with respect to topographical points in France was not known until the 20th century when aerial surveys became a reality.
World War 1, and to a much greater extent World War 2, brought much progress in mapping, particularly of the unmapped parts of the earth; an appraisal by the U.S. Air Force indicated that less than 10 per cent of the world in 1940 was mapped in sufficient detail for even the meagre requirements of pilot charts.
A major programme of aerial photography and reconnaissance mapping that became known as the trimetrogen method was developed. So, as I said earlier, it was not until the 20th century that maps of sufficient detail to allow these bearings to be struck was developed.
So how did Nostradamus, in the 16th century do the impossible? In the Letter to Cesar Nostradamus attributed his prophetic powers to God, thus the best I can suggest is that the only way Nostradamus could have performed this feat would be if he was divinely inspired by God. Thus Century 1 Quatrain 71 and Century 2 Quatrain 96 prove, beyond doubt, that Nostradamus had prophetic powers and prove that he had knowledge of 20th century topography and could use this knowledge to strike accurate navigational bearings.
Nostradamus uses the same method of using topographical points to strike navigational bearings to pin point the precise position of his secret second works. In fact, by using his bearings and descriptions he gives the position of his secret second works down to an area of three-square metres.
Gary Sainty
Nostradamus had knowledge of 20th century topography and was able to use this knowledge to strike accurate navigational bearings, which would have been impossible in his time. I know it sounds outlandish to suggest that a man who lived in the 16th century could do this but nevertheless he could, he did and I can prove it. Let us first consider Century 2 Quatrain 96.
A blazing torch will be seen in the sky at night,
Not far from the end and source of the Rhone:
Famine, weapon: help provided too late,
Persia will turn and invade Macedonia.
Nostradamus would have known that it would not be possible to see a "blazing torch" simultaneously from the end and source of the Rhone River in France. However, with knowledge of 20th century topography he could intend line 2 to be a navigational bearing.
If we join the end and source of the Rhone River with a straight line and, since Nostradamus says that the "blazing torch" is not far from the end of the Rhone River, we extend that line to the south, we see that the line passes through Barcelona in Spain. (See map 1).
Now the quatrain makes sense. The "blazing torch" that Nostradamus was referring to, that "will be seen in the sky at night" was the Olympic flame of the Barcelona Olympics, which was held in 1992.
Line 3 is an accurate description of the crisis in Somalia, which was happening around the same time. During this crisis there was a severe famine in Somalia and the Somalian warlords used their military strength to dominate the Somalians and pillage the United Nations relief supplies.
The rest of the world would not intervene and it was not until tens of thousands had died that western military strength was sent in to restore order. Precisely as Nostradamus had predicted "help provided too late".
In line four Nostradamus predicts that Persia, now Iran, will turn and invade Macedonia. It seems impossible, with the USA, NATO and the United Nations acting as the world policeman and intervening to stop wars that this could happen.
But nevertheless given the accuracy of this quatrain, the accuracy of Nostradamus' prophecies in general and the clarity of the prophecy, I have no doubt that it will occur since Nosradamus speaks many times in his prophecies of a war between Islam and Christianity. This could be the beginning of such a war.
Now the fact that Nostradamus used the end and source of the Rhone River as a navigational bearing to indicate Barcelona could be dismissed as a coincidence if it happened just the once.
However, Nostradamus must have anticipated this because he does it more than once. Consider Century 1 Quatrain 71. This is even more spectacular than Century 2 Quatrain 96 just discussed.
The marine tower three times taken and retaken,
By Spanish, Barbarians, Ligurians,
Marseilles and Aix, Arles by the one of Pisa,
Devastation, fire, iron, pillage Avignon from
At first this quatrain does not make any sense and, until we use Nostradamus' knowledge of 20th century topography and his ability to use this knowledge to strike accurate navigational bearings, it doesn't.
In their order the names of the places given in France are Marseilles, Aix, Arles and Avignon. First we take a straight line from Marseilles to Aix-en-Provence. Next we take a straight line from Arles to Avignon. Since Arles was the first town mentioned, similarly to the "end of the Rhone" in Century 2 Quatrain 96, we will extend this line to the south. We see that this line passes almost directly through Oran on the North African coast in Algeria (See map 2). Next we take the bearing from Marseilles and Aix-en-Provence and we extend this bearing to the south since Marseilles was the first mentioned. This bearing takes us nowhere.
Now we consider the navigational bearing through Oran. What is so significant about Oran? Well, Oran is divided up into three main sections, La Blanca, La Ville Nouville and La Marine. La Marine is the area near the sea and it is in this area where the Santa Cruz Citadel overlooks the Mediterranean Sea. The Santa Cruz Citadel, built by the Turks, is the "marine tower" mentioned in line one of this quatrain.
Oran was founded in the 10th century AD by Andalusian merchants (Andalusia was a region in southern Spain) who established Oran as abase for trade with North Africa. The kingdom of Ilemcen (North Africans) took it in 1437. It was then taken by Spain in 1509 who held it for two centuries until it fell to the Turks (Barbarians) in 1708.
The city was retaken by Spain in 1732 but it was devastated by earthquake in 1790. It was abandoned and retaken by the Turks (Barbarians) in 1792 however; it suffered a serious state of decline and was occupied by France in 1831. The French developed Oran into a modern port and eventually established a navel station there.
France held it until Algerian independence in 1962 after which the North Africans retook it and the cycle was completed.
When Nostradamus mentions "Ligurians" in this quatrain he was not referring to Italians, he was in fact, referring to the North Africans. The North Africans, referred to by the Romans as "Ligures" occupied Liguria (on the coast of Italy at Geova) from Neolithic times. The Romans defeated them after a long struggle, in121BC.
Thus Nostrsadamus was absolutely correct. The marine tower (the Santa Cruz Citadel and therefore Oran) was taken and retaken three times by Spanish, Barbarians (Turks) and Ligurains (North Africans). To detail this for clarity.
Oran founded by Andalusian merchants............10th century AD
Taken by Ligurains (North Africans).............1437
Taken by Spain....................1509
Taken by Barbarians (Turks)...............1708
Retaken by Spain....................1732
Retaken by Barbarians (Turks)..............1792
Retaken by Ligurains (North Africans)...........1962
In line three "Arles by the one of Pisa" refers to the Italians. In line four "Thurins" refers to the area of Thuringia in Germany. These two lines refer to the invasion of France by Germany in World War 2 when Italy was the allies of Germany.
Since I don't know the history of Arles and Avignon in World War 2 it would be interesting to know if the Italians did in fact occupy Arles and if the Germans occupied Avignon.
This quatrain can only be solved by using Nostradamus' knowledge of 20th century topography and his ability to use this knowledge to strike accurate navigational bearings.
What Nostradamus has done in these two quatrains is truly amazing because the maps required to strike these navigational bearings did not exist in Nostradamus' time. In fact maps of this accuracy were not produced until aerial surveys became a reality in the 20th century.
The maps in Nostradamus' time were primarily designed for nautical navigation and showed the coastal outlines of the continents that had been discovered at that time. In fact Gerardus Mercartor, who developed the projection to allow bearings to be plotted as straight lines, published his map of Europe in 1554.
Since Nostradamus' prophecies were published in 1555 the adds are that Century1 Quatrain 71 and Century 2 Quatrain96 were already written before Mercartors projection was published. In any event, Mercartor's map of Europe would not have shown the relationship between the end and source of the Rhone River and Barcelona or the relationship between Avignon and Arles and Oran because topographical surveys of France were not carried out until the 18th century.
Topographical surveys of France were organized by the French Academy, among others, and in 1748 the Carte Geometrique de la France comprising 182 sheets was authorized. Napoleon, an ardent map enthusiast, planned a great survey of Europe on a 1:100,000 scale which was well under way when he was overthrown.
In any event, even armed with topographical maps of France it would still be impossible to strike these accurate navigational bearings because the correct position of Barcelona and Oran with respect to topographical points in France was not known until the 20th century when aerial surveys became a reality.
World War 1, and to a much greater extent World War 2, brought much progress in mapping, particularly of the unmapped parts of the earth; an appraisal by the U.S. Air Force indicated that less than 10 per cent of the world in 1940 was mapped in sufficient detail for even the meagre requirements of pilot charts.
A major programme of aerial photography and reconnaissance mapping that became known as the trimetrogen method was developed. So, as I said earlier, it was not until the 20th century that maps of sufficient detail to allow these bearings to be struck was developed.
So how did Nostradamus, in the 16th century do the impossible? In the Letter to Cesar Nostradamus attributed his prophetic powers to God, thus the best I can suggest is that the only way Nostradamus could have performed this feat would be if he was divinely inspired by God. Thus Century 1 Quatrain 71 and Century 2 Quatrain 96 prove, beyond doubt, that Nostradamus had prophetic powers and prove that he had knowledge of 20th century topography and could use this knowledge to strike accurate navigational bearings.
Nostradamus uses the same method of using topographical points to strike navigational bearings to pin point the precise position of his secret second works. In fact, by using his bearings and descriptions he gives the position of his secret second works down to an area of three-square metres.
Gary Sainty
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